Las Vegas Uncategorized

Las Vegas: A Truly American City

Las Vegas is known the world over as a mecca for those in hot pursuit of pleasure, pampering, and unbridled glamour – a far cry from the city’s humble beginnings as little more than a Mormon settlement. Surprised? That’s understandable considering the Las Vegas flair for reinventing itself as often as the Mojave’s sands shift. 

All hail Caesar: Caesars Palace plans roman tower revamp

As Caesars Palace in Las Vegas prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary, it has been announced that the original Roman Tower, soon to be unveiled as the new Julius Tower, will undergo a $75 million renovation. 

Live like a VIP with these crazy Las Vegas amenities

Ever wondered what it would be like to live like a VIP in Vegas?

Below, we take a look at some of the most outrageous Las Vegas amenities. 

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